Drew Hernandez Explains How Media Using CCP-Style Propaganda to Smear Election Audit

Hernandez re: mainstream media use of CCP propaganda tactics to push their agenda and smear opposition, June 3rd

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4 thoughts on “Drew Hernandez Explains How Media Using CCP-Style Propaganda to Smear Election Audit

  1. I appreciate your attention to my blog. However, I am finding it troubling that you are apparently clicking the “like” button on every single blog post I publish. Do you actually read and like each and every post or are you trying to attract attention to your blog? I’m just curious. If you are actually reading and liking every post please continue. Otherwise please refrain from clicking the “like” button. Thanks!


    1. Yes, I do usually read, or watch if it’s a video, or hit the like button so I can go back to my likes in the dashboard later in the day to catch up that’s what I wasn’t able to get to earlier. Lol did you realize you double commented this on two posts? 😏

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